Wednesday, May 4, 2011


this applies not only to my pathetic lack of motivation to share with everyone the gripping and thrilling daily noshes i consume, but also to my limited exercise. a few dinners piled up and then the daunting idea of doing so many recipes discouraged me--knocked my resolve out like a light breeze to a stack of cards.

so i've decided to just post the pictures i've still be steadily taking! and hopefully get it together enough to throw some recipes your way soon!

*note: i also made this yummy low carb lasagna that uses zucchini slices in place of noodles and I KNOW it sounds weird and you're thinking, "whatever kristina, you are full of garbage. there's no way that tastes good, much less like yummy lasagna." and to YOU i say, NAY. it was great! it was lasagna-y, cheesy (go heavy on the cheese layer, i did not have enough) and the portions are enormous and you still have room left for ice cream/oreos/whatever junk you bought after work that you knew you shouldn't but did anyway because hey nutty bars are awesome.  (i also forgot to photograph it which is why i mentioned it at all)

all these recipes were great, so try em. love em. and do yourself a favor and only make sausage balls when you go to a party--or else you will be standing alone in your kitchen at 9 pm watching Funny Girl and "putting them into containers for later" a.k.a. "eating every other one (or every one) you touch, leaving you with 3" and once they (or it) is stowed away safely, turn on P90x and get busy because you just ate yourself a pound of ground sausage and a block o cheese my friend!

my little basil plant!*

cheesy burritos! recipe from
  recipe here
homemade pizza rolls--recipe from     
  recipe here
sausage balls. delish; for our will and kate party

sauteed green beans, carrots, red bell pepper
 i would like to note the above veggies are divine and really have no recipe. but i feel obligated to tell you how to make them.

blanch some green beans and sliced carrots for a few minutes, and plunge into an ice bath to stop the cooking. heat olive oil and pressed garlic in a pan, add sliced bell pepper (red is the prettiest color and its sweetness goes nicely, rather than the green variety) and cook for a few minutes to soften. add gr beans and carrots, saute for a few minutes, sprinkle with THIS IS THE CRITICAL STEP tony chacheres and enjoy yourself the best damn veggies out there.

*white pizza (homemade dough!) note basil
 this pizza dough recipe is from food network magazine. it was wonderful, and surprisingly easier to deal with after being frozen, and thawed in the fridge. the perfect crispy thin crust!! note rules on baking from the margherita pizza post. oh and yes, since you were wondering, i did grow that basil leaf ALL BY MYSELF!
royal wedding work party invite
 oh yes, we had a royal wedding party full of only British foods the day of the nuptials!
royal wedding work party invite

royal wedding work party invite

royal wedding work party
 note flags with will and kate
royal wedding work party
there were many strange things here: marmite (yeast extract? ew, it's as awful as it sounds. i tried it), Branston pickle sandwiches (gross, google it. foulll), cucumber sandwiches, but i hate cucumber. DIDJA KNOW THAT ONE?! i do..

let's just say the sausage balls were a hit. and the scones, the maker of which also MADE HER OWN BUTTER. way to make us all look bad, i say. she is super sweet so it was hard to be angry,

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